Sparti Family 411

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Three Year Old FUN

Gavin's 3!!! Can't believe it's already been three years. Especially since he still wants me to carry him around like a baby :) But he's definitely grown up and has his own opinions.

Here's a taste of the day:
Morning - presents and eggs/bacon/orange juice
Afternoon - Trip to WalMart to spend birthday $ and Nap (Whoo hoo!)
Evening - Pool/friends/cupcakes

The Batman/Superman cape I made him (unfortunately I had to adjust the neck, but what should I expect when I make it the night before in 4 hours (and without trying it on him)?!

The first out of like 6 cupcakes that Gavin ate!

Buttercream and Ganache-covered chocolate cupcakes. Gav's only request was that I make some green (his self-proclaimed favorite color).

Steve dressed himself and Gav up as twiners for the day of. How funny!


Nate and Melinda said...

I can't believe your baby is three! Such a handsome little dude. And of course he would have ganache cupcakes...what three year old doesn't request ganache for their birthday?

Who is Pin Dot? said...

Melinda, he knows what he likes - what can I tell you? :) Now for another baby....

Family Photos '08

Thanksgiving in Utah