Sparti Family 411

Friday, July 2, 2010

How I love thee. Let me count the ways...

Having a boy has been filled with fun, a little craziness, and mostly joy. Here is my ode to you, Gavin. Can't believe you'll be three this Saturday!

Looks me in the eyes and tells me "I LOVE your hair," while petting it.

Drives cars on the walls saying "I. Am. Speed."

Knows several verses of Go, Go, Go, Joseph.

During nursery class in church, Gavin was asked what his mom's name was. Much to my surprise, he said Lindsay (as I was told later). But then he continued, "And the big guy's name is Steve."

"To insinities (infinity), and beyond!"

Big, goofy smiles as he does something naughty.

Mistakes the word girl for grill.

Calls his man-part his Weenis (rhymes with you know what)

"Mom. I'm Buzz, and you're woody." "Mom. I'm Buzz, and you're woody." "Mom. I'm Buzz, and you're woody."

Handfulls of cars tucked into bed with him every night.

Meticulously lines up EVERY car he owns. Then proceeds to drive them across the couch and meticulously line them up AGAIN. And finally one by one, drives them off the edge and savors each and every crash.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

aaaaahahahah! Gavin is so stinkin funny! I love "and the big guys name is Steve" What a ham!
Also, weenis is a slang term for the skin on the back of your elbow...just throwin that out there :)
Cute blog, Linds! Your kids crack me up!

Family Photos '08

Thanksgiving in Utah