I ask myself this question daily.
Mostly because she can definitely hold her own at the playground or on the soccer field. Her toes are always cut open from going barefoot or climbing on trees. And she almost NEVER cries because of injury (which happens frequently).
But on the flipside, constant are the battles we have in the mornings over dresses without leggings underneath. Or hairdo's that have been designed by her, and usually end up a snarly mess by 10AM.
And there's no way I'm allowing her to even wear a dress without the necessary leggings. Too many people would view her underwear, or she would bruise and batter her legs to no end. And I've put my foot down with the crazy or elaborate hairstyles (all of which are based off of some princess or barbie movie). She just isn't cut out for the twisted, braided, french-twisted hair that adornes all of her television idols.
Or is she?
Who else asks me to snuggle. CONSTANTLY. Or writes me love notes produced solely by herself. And she's even known to give away her personal toys to friends, just to be nice.
And how could I not mention all the make-up and nail polish that she slathers over her body daily?
True, she's a little rough around the edges.
But I like that about her. Boys and girls, alike, befriend her and who's to say that she isn't exactly what she SHOULD be. I'll take a whole body hug from her any day because I know she means it.
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