Sparti Family 411

Friday, October 16, 2009

Not it.

This week has been one of hide-and-seek.

Me being the seeker.

And it's always in the morning as I'm trying to finagle my kids out the door to school.

Tuesday is spent making cards and gift tags for the upcoming super saturday that our relief society is having. I've spent three hours planning out and cutting scraps and sticking them together, only to find that I have no idea where my hot glue gun is. Or the box containing it. I know exactly what it looks like and where I keep it in the garage, but I've scoured and still not found it. Side Note: It's friday, and still no sign. Argh!

Wed., Grace has soccer, and I can't find her brand new, fresh-out-of-the-box cleats. I vaguely remember Steve throwing away the box, and text him to see if he is withholding valuable information. Negative. So I finally give up and send her in tennis shoes. Hours later, we're searching the house and find them in the girl's dirty clothes hamper. Not quite the place I would have thought to look.

Wed. night Aliza comes home from school with no homework folder. Her teacher never got it the day before, and I'm baffled trying to think of where it can be. Called our carpool, no luck. Searched entire house, AGAIN, but for different reasons, and still no luck. Thursday morning I've given up and called it quits. She leaves for school with an unhappy mom and a mad frown on her face. As I pick her up later that afternoon, she nonchalantly tells me that it was in her school desk the entire time. Thank you Aliza.

You would think that my house is a disaster with all the searching that has had to take place. But the most frustrating this is, IT'S NOT. All last week I cleaned under beds, reorganized the playroom, and rearranged the kitchen.

Guess I'm just a mom of three crazy kids.


Brandy said...

Last week Ashton lost one cleat and we found it the next day in the outside fridge. "Oh yeah!" He says, "I left it there when I went to get a water bottle."

Brittany said...

Can I just say that the smaller the house the more likely things tend to get lost...I don't know what it is but we tend to lose everything "temporarily" and we hardly live in a big enough space to lose it!

Michelle and Andrew said...

awesome! i have to say i pride myself (or used to) on my organizational skills. i never lose anything, but suddenly that changed with having children and a husband. i guess life must go on and one day when the kids are out of the house i will be completely organized--except then my memory will probably go and then i will forget where i placed everything....oh well.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Brittany. The smaller the space, the easier to lose things!

btw, I love your family photo. You look gorgeous and I want your shirt! :)

Family Photos '08

Thanksgiving in Utah